Equal Housing Lender FDIC-Insured

BB Remessa

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What is the BB Remessa?

BB Remessa is a solution that allows BB Americas Bank Personal clients in the United States to send money to Banco do Brasil S.A. personal clients, quickly and securely in the same day*.

*For the credit of remittances sent through BB Remessa from Individual accounts at BB Americas Bank to Individual accounts of beneficiaries at Banco do Brasil S.A. be carried out on the same business day, it will be necessary that:

  • Branch number and beneficiary account at Banco do Brasil S.A. informed in the remittance are correct;
  • The registration of the recipient of the remittance is up to date with Banco do Brasil S.A.;
  • The beneficiary in Brazil has a valid/regular CPF;
  • The beneficiary of the remittance at Banco do Brasil S.A. has registered in its relationship branch at Banco do Brasil S.A. order for automatic settlement of remittances received from abroad. The beneficiary of the order must verify that this authorization is valid;
  • The Nature of the Transaction is correctly specified according to the beneficiary’s account data at Banco do Brasil S.A.;
  • The remittance request must be submitted by 8:00 p.m. ET;
  • National Holidays in Brazil and in the US may impact the remittance credit date in the beneficiary’s account at Banco do Brasil S.A..
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